The holiday season doesn’t end on January 1st each year like most people’s holiday season does. That is just the middle of holiday season for us! We have tons of birthdays that happen at the beginning of the year so it is party time over here! Sunday is a very special person’s birthday. My one and only… Dave! He is turning 26! I know that that is considered still young, but that seems so old to me! He was 20 years old when I met him. We have grown up so much!
These pictures were taken on our first “date”. We had hung out a few times, but these pictures were taken when I took Dave to a work Christmas party. It was the first time I introduced him to some of my friends.
We have changed so much! Check out my purple asymmetrical bangs (I miss them!) and Dave’s steps in his eyebrow.
This guy is just the best. I am so grateful to have him in my life. He is the best father that Harper could ever have. He is so patient and sweet with her.
He is so good to me and is really patient with me. I am pretty crazy about organization and cleaning sometimes and he is always so patient with my craziness. He is an incredible 6th grade teacher, teacher of teachers, and social media guru.
Please send him the birthday love! He so deserves it!
Happy, Happy Birthday!
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Tuesday 5th of February 2013
McKenzie, I've been meaning to comment on this post for awhile. I love that you shared your old pics because I secretly used to have pink highlights during my "punk stage" one would ever guess that about me. :)
I hope your hubs had a great birthday.
Sunday 20th of January 2013
Happy Birthday to your Mr. I hope that you get to eat a bunch of cake :)