This week is the last week of the 8 week challenge. I can’t believe it is almost done! When this whole experience started, I didn’t know if I could survive 8 full weeks of healthy living. Honestly, it was hard. Like really, really hard. I started off really strong, then I sort of fell off of the bandwagon. It wasn’t until 2 weeks ago that it really hit me. I really did want to be healthy. So one Sunday night, I set my alarm for 5:30 am. I woke up and put my running shoes on.
I got my butt to the gym. Then I did it again the next day. And the next day. And the next day. It got easier to wake up each day. I liked how I felt for the rest of the day. Then things got hard again.
I wanted to stay in my bed. I felt weak while I was working out. I didn’t feel that great. Then, I went shopping. A little retail therapy! I got myself some new workout clothes that I knew that I would actually look forward to putting on in the mornings. Guess what? I did look forward to putting them on. I actually felt like I was a little more put together at the gym. I liked how my body was starting to look in these new clothes. I was proud of myself for getting out of bed and making the sacrifice to get to the gym.
I started setting my alarm to 5:15 so that I could have 15 more minutes in the gym. I can tell you this. It isn’t always the easiest thing to do every morning, but it is all worth it. I set myself a bed time now and I have had to rework my daytime schedule, but it has been worth it. The actual working out part has gotten easier though. It helps to have some motivational music to work out to.
I totally listened to MmmBop. It rocked my world. It has been a really rewarding experience to see my body slowly change. It feels really good to be living my life a little healthier. I really thing this 8 week health challenge has “healed” me. I don’t want to go back to where I was before. I want to be better. I like this better me. So, yes the 8 week challenge is over, but the health challenge isn’t.
I will keep up my Fight the Flab posts to update you all too! Join my journey to a healthier life. You can follow along on Instagram too for a daily glimpse into my new healthy life!

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Andie Thueson
Friday 22nd of March 2013
Love it!!! You are looking great!