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$125 Minted Gift Card Holiday Spirit Giveaway

$125 Minted Gift Card Holiday Spirit Giveaway

The week of giveaways is coming to a close today. Hasn’t it been so fun?! But when I have hosted such killer giveaways all week, I couldn’t just leave it with any normal giveaway. I needed to end it with a bang! I gathered the troops and put together a really fun giveaway blog hop! This is the Holiday Spirit Giveaway! Eleven bloggers are helping readers everywhere get into the holiday spirit! We are each hosting our own giveaways that you can hop over to each blog to enter. They are all things that will help you get prepped for Christmas. There is some holiday decor, holiday crafting supplies, Christmas gifts, and even a bra consultation so your “girls” can be looking their best at your holiday parties!

For my giveaway, I collaborated with Minted to give away $125 to their site so you can get your Christmas cards, gifts, holiday party decor, or even wrapping paper for the season!

$125 Minted Giveaway on

I am totally stocked for this holiday season! I am so excited to throw a holiday party! I got the cutest decor from Minted to throw a cookie exchange party with some of my friends. Isn’t it going to be so cute?

Minted Holiday Party Decor on

Minted has tons of different holiday party decor options to choose from to fit any style you are going for. This $125 of Minted credit could make a major statement at your upcoming holiday events!

Personalized gifts from Minted on

Minted is also the perfect place for all personalized gifts! I was able to make a calendar for my mother in law and get some great notebooks for my husband. They even have personalized wrapping paper available. I got some last year and it was a huge hit!

So, who wants to win $125 to Minted?! Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter and make sure to check out all of the awesome Holiday Spirit Giveaways happening too!



Holiday Spirit Giveaway Collage

Girl Loves Glam | Bombshell Bling | A Girl and a Glue Gun | Cupcake Diaries | My Sister’s Suitcase | Snap | Maybe I Will | My Mommy Style | Flamingo Toes | Two Thirty-Five Designs | Fry Sauce & Grits

Stephanie M

Saturday 29th of November 2014

Thank you for this generous opportunity! I love when multiple bloggers join together, I find others that I am interested in and can explore new recipes, crafts, tips, DIY, etc... As I posted on your Facebook page, I do not know the url address for the your pin on my "Giveaways" Board, I pinned "DIY Chalkboard Frame" and the "Style" post from your linked page. Love this chance to win this great package! I don't have Twitter or Instagram, so I lost two chances there plus the two chances from Cupcake Divas. Have a great weekend! Good luck to everyone!

Holiday Spirit Giveaway!! - Fry Sauce and Grits

Friday 28th of November 2014

[…] Girl Loves Glam | Bombshell Bling | A Girl and a Glue Gun | Cupcake Diaries | My Sister’s Suitcase | Snap | Maybe I Will | My Mommy Style | Flamingo Toes | Two Thirty-Five Designs | Fry Sauce & Grits […]

Christmas Crafting GIVEAWAY!!! (and bloghop!) - A girl and a glue gun

Friday 28th of November 2014

[…] Girl Loves Glam | Bombshell Bling | A Girl and a Glue Gun | Cupcake Diaries | My Sister’s Suitcase | Snap | Maybe I Will | My Mommy Style | Flamingo Toes | Two Thirty-Five Designs | Fry Sauce & Grits […]

Favorite Things Giveaway! - Maybe I Will

Friday 28th of November 2014

[…] Girl Loves Glam | Bombshell Bling | A Girl and a Glue Gun | Cupcake Diaries | My Sister’s Suitcase | Snap | Maybe I Will | My Mommy Style | Flamingo Toes | Two Thirty-Five Designs | Fry Sauce & Grits […]

Holiday Spirit Giveaway - My Mommy Style

Friday 28th of November 2014

[…] Girl Loves Glam | Bombshell Bling | A Girl and a Glue Gun | Cupcake Diaries | My Sister’s Suitcase | Snap | Maybe I Will | My Mommy Style | Flamingo Toes | Two Thirty-Five Designs | Fry Sauce & Grits […]