I know I have said it before, and I am sure I will say it many more times. I love blogging. I love being able to share my ideas with others and I love to connect with other bloggers who are just as crazy as I am! It has been such a neat experience to meet other bloggers who live so close to me! The Idaho bloggers have a special place in my heart! I love our monthly outings. Last month, we got to go to Real Deals. I LOVE this store! It is only open 2 days a week and is JAM PACKED with amazing home decor for great prices. I am lucky enough to have a little inside scoop with Real Deals because my momma works there so I may or may not have a few too many Real Deals items in my house. Here are some of my favorite items that I saw that night…
The tall cut out candlesticks were awesome! I really want to find a home for them. I loved the metal canisters too. I think they would be so dang cute in my kitchen. Kitchen makeover maybe? They have really cute burlap sacks that you could do so many fun things with and they were only $1.99! Hello!? What an awesome deal. I love all of their candlesticks and pottery. They have so many to choose from.
I spotted this little globe that I loved, but decided to leave it behind, THEN I got it for Christmas! Yay! I painted it white and I love how it turned out! I went home with this lovely yellow mirror. I can’t wait to give my family room a little makeover and put this on the wall! Ashley left with some amazing silver vases. I have had my eye on those for a while! If you live in Idaho, Utah, or Montana, I know that there are Real Deals stores in your states. I am not sure about other states, but do some research and see if you have one. You are in for a treat if you do! It is always so much fun to hang out with these ladies. They are all amazingly talented. Go check them out on their blogs…
Emily- The Benson Street
Adrienne- Free Time Frolics
Ashley- Flats to Flip Flops

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This post is via www.girllovesglam.com
Monday 7th of January 2013
I randomly came across your blog! I got married the end of July and then moved to Boise from Utah. Been wondering for months if there are other Idaho bloggers out there! Haha. So, hello from a fellow Idaho blogger :)
Megan @ crafter club
Thursday 3rd of January 2013
Those candlesticks need to come to my house! Love them! I'm sad I missed this night, but super excited for next week!!